We hope that you, your families, and your colleagues are staying safe and healthy during these precarious times.
We want to share with you what additional precautions we are taking to safely and effectively continue providing our services to all customers during this time of uncertainty. Our cloud service providers and business-critical vendors have assured us that they are prepared and plan to provide service without disruption.
Since earlier this year, our Leadership Team and People Team have been closely monitoring and acting upon recommendations from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and local health officials. For the past two weeks, we’ve encouraged our employees to work from home, and as of yesterday, March 16, we closed our offices and mandated a work-from-home policy.
We also restricted employee travel earlier this month; however, our team, as always, will be able to support all your needs through video conferencing, email, and phone calls. Fortunately our customer-facing teams already conduct most business virtually today and do not anticipate any major concerns moving to 100% virtual over the coming weeks.
To help us adjust and continue to operate as an efficient organization, we are devoting significant time and resources to support Ampliteers who are adjusting to a remote workforce, including special manager training, a new productivity stipend for those who need to purchase equipment for their remote working space, flexible work schedules to take care of dependents, and dedicated Slack channels for colleagues to share their best practices. Our goal is to develop a quality remote-first experience for all employees.
We understand the stress the current situation has put on our community of colleagues and customers. We hope our measures and continued responsiveness can help give you peace of mind.