Amplitude Audiences

Audience segmentation powered by analytics

Drive marketing campaigns and product personalization with audience segments backed by first-party data.

Build dynamic user lists

Customer behavior and profile data at your fingertips—no SQL required.

Discover new audience segments

Product analytics and propensity models uncover behavioral trends and new opportunities for engagement.

Automate campaign targeting

Real-time syncs and APIs serve customer data to marketing platforms and your product.

Trusted by marketing, product, and growth teams around the world.

Take audience segmentation to the next level

Use customer behavior and product data with Amplitude’s analytics-driven audience segmentation & activation tools to build precise audience lists that sync to your stack.

Amplitude prediction analysis
Jumbo logo

“With Recommend, we’ve found the perfect balance between optimizing revenue and creating fun for our customers. You know when you’re listening to a Spotify playlist and think, "Wow, Spotify just gets me?" That’s the feeling we’re able to create.”

Author Photo
Patrick Gordon
Principal, Jumbo Interactive

Complete audience segmentation & management toolkit

Whether you’re running an evergreen campaign or starting a new initiative, Amplitude makes it easy to discover customer profiles, segment your audience, and visualize customer journeys.

Cohort definition page
Campaign distribution computation insight
Predict the best audience to target
Sync recommendation options page

Use any combination of customer behaviors, product data, profile data and more to build audience lists.

Segment users by the last item they viewed, average order value, number of video completes, or any combination of behaviors and traits you track.

Tailor campaigns to send reminders to the highest propensity customers, special offers to those on the fence, and fresh engagement strategies to the ones least likely to convert.

Create automated syncs from lists you build to any tool in your stack for reliability, consistency, and repeatability.

Real-time delivery to your product and stack

Dynamic customization with the Profile API

Pull in any user property
Access predictions and computations
Return rank-ordered recommendations

Unlock 1:1 experiences with Recommendations

Use machine learning to decide email content, rank order product assortments, or deliver the next best experience. You pick the outcome—Amplitude automatically trains and serves the model.

© 2024 Amplitude, Inc. All rights reserved. Amplitude is a registered trademark of Amplitude, Inc.